Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Beatles (Therefore, I cannot think of a title)

Finally, I have got my proper Beatles CDs.

Despite being a fan of the Beatles ever since I was a kid, strangely, I have never got a proper Beatles CD before.

I got to really know them from the collection in the public library. There I discovered a new boundary of the Beatles. Their music is much more than the familliar tunes like "Yesterday", "Let it be" or "Twist and Shout".

With limited resources in my shallow wallet and a wide world of new and new 'old' music to explore, I have never got much urge to own their records. After all, I have heard most of their songs and was familiar with the tunes.

As a shrewd purchasing expert of cheap CDs, sadly (or perhaps happily), I found that their records have never been offered discounted prices, and their prices seem slightly higher than others. I must admit I own a few improper or p****** copies of their records, the red album, "Abbey Road" and "(Rubber Soul)".

So far my favourite Beatles album is "Rubber Soul". I like every song on the album. Recently, I happened to spot a remastered copy of "(Rubber Soul)" in the public library. With great pleasure and a little bit of greed, I load it to my I-Pod. Listening to it, it feels a bit weird, like seeing again an old friend who has already changed. I knew that the remastered CD had added a few songs to it. Though the bonus tracks are good, to me they hardly offer me any bonus. Soon I found that the problem was that some songs on the original record was missing. Despite getting the songs for free, I felt cheated and was rather enraged. I simply could not stand any changes to a record I have been so fond of and quite so familiar with for a long time. How could it do without the first song "Drive My Car"? How could the order of songs be re-arranged? Torn apart and reconstructed, it is not really "Rubber Soul' at all. Perhaps it is only “Bubble Soul”. Fragmented post-modernism is not for me.

So I've bought "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver". "Revolver" is often regarded as the best of the Beatles. Unbelievably, perhaps it's the first time I listen to it, though I am familiar with some of the songs. I have roughly listened to it 2 or 3 times now. It sounds good and newer than "Rubber Soul", which sounds very sixties (in the good way), but it has not yet replaced the status of "Rubber Soul" in my realm of the Beatles. In fact, there are 1 or 2 songs I don't quite like.

Yet I was slightly ashamed about buying the 2009 remastered CDs of the Beatles, after what the WMG had shamefully done to videos with WMG artist's music on YouTube (and so YouTube is not MyTube anymore). Perhaps naively, I told myself I would try not to buy any proper CDs from them. But the seduction of the Beatles in new paper covers is hard to resist. And I had wanted their records for ridiculously far too long.

And when could I have my Beatles haircut, hairdresser?

Saturday 8 August 2009

Having fun with my lo-fi - 我愛小喇叭

Mini Hi-fi 突然粒聲唔出,不理我,慘﹗

可愛之家又添一員! Lovely!

Saturday 11 July 2009

The Postmarks make my road of romance

I have been listening to the Postmarks all week, on the way back home from work.
Stepping out of a certain stultifying space, they soon got me back to my old real world of hope and dreams.

Dreamy, laidback, lighthearted, with sweet happiness built on some small sadness, their music set me afloat 3 inches from the dull concrete pavement and the air is filled with happiness again. And thinking of the beautiful singer make me even happier. Beauty simply makes dream dreamier.

My recent daily 20-minutes romance with them began one day when I got bored about what music to look for on the Net. I searched the "cutest band in the world" or something like that and found the likely contender Elephant Parade. And their cutie song "Goodbye" related to another lovely "Goodbye" by the Postmarks. (There is indeed a chain of fine "Goodbye" songs, and how about "Hello"?)

For a long time I only somewhat like their easy-listening songs, perhaps I was slightly repelled by a certain remix song (always bored with remix, can't remember any good ones, guess their contribution is to make people treasure the original more).

The truth is, I haven't got any of their records. Shame on me! I just make do with the 6 lovely songs that they generously let people download for free.

Only last week I began to listen to them more seriously. And they sound so good to my picky ears, even with sensible lyrics. Good for a massage for the ears and heart. Life is not bad afterall, now I remember.

They've got a newer album that covers some of my favourite songs from my favourite bands. One more item on my endless want list.

Monday 15 June 2009

I am still listening...

Back again from nowhere-land. Mmm...I have even forgot the password to this place.

During the time I was away, nothing much happened, nothing much changed, except that I had, finally, got my I-Pod classic 120GB, which has not yet radically changed my music-listening behaviour, only a little, perhaps.

But if I had not got it, I wouldn't have been listening to Mazzy Star since last week. It rekindled my love for the band, which I have ignored for some time.

I have to admit that I've only got one and only one of their albums, and what is its title? Ah, got it from the I-Pod, "She Hangs Brightly", not even their most popular album. I wanted some of their albums before, but just like many other records (or any other things) that I wanted before, after a while I've forgot my expired desire. Now they are again on my want list.

Needless to say, one of the charm is the beautiful singing rendered by the beautiful voice of Hope(sorry for the poor vocab ability), cool and aloof, natural with ease, unlike some other obviously good singing.

For "She Hangs Brightly", when I listened to it, I often only indulged in the first few songs which are most catchy and I favoured them, hence often could not get past the ghostly "She Hangs Brightly", and I easily put those records in which not more than 80% of songs I loved on the shelf. Only now I find I could listen through the whole record over and over.

Wanted just to write 2 words. Hope this wouldn't ruin my health.