Wednesday 30 July 2008

Happy birthday Kate!

Today is the 50th birthday of Kate Bush. (Oh, only now I am aware that she shares the same surname with that um…president.)

I thought I had forgotten to put her, my teenage goddess, on my tricky list of favourite music. Sadly I had not, so I cannot express some regrets and add some drama to this bland post.

But how could I? The first unabridged novel in English I ever read in my life was “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte, because of her debut song of the same name. What a painful read for me then, with so many vocabularies! The dictionary soon became my best friend. And I probably only began to love learning English after reading that. Thanks Kate.
Young and incredible Kate Bush sang “Wuthering Heights”

One word, genius!

Saturday 26 July 2008

happily hopeless wanderer came across Favourite Sons

Now and then when I wandered on the Net, I would gladly find musicians of some long lost bands still around and making music. And last week I was too happy to learn that Ken Griffin, ex-Rollerskate Skinny and ex-Kid Silver, had formed a new band called Favourite Sons. I like both old bands of his. The former made original and interesting soundscapes, with good melodies, and the latter made captivating mellow songs, with good melodies.

The route to this Internet encounter was a bit convoluted. Wandering on some MySpace Music pages as I sometimes did, I accidentally checked out a little known new French band called Mondrian that made interesting music with catchy tunes. If there is any justice, they should become more famous.
MONDRIAN "Can't Call Her My Own"

On Mondrian’s MySpace page, it was shown that they had covered a song by the Band of Holy Joy. The Band of Holy Joy! I have long forgotten this band. I heard them on the radio years ago. And this is one of those bands that I thought I like but always failed to get their records. Then after a while I just forgot to seek them. On YouTube, I found that they have reformed and performed live in 2007. In the gigs, they played alternative folk music. The instrumentation was good but the singing was not impressive. Actually, I don’t even remember what their music was like in the old days. But it should be better than those songs in the videos I found on YouTube.

In the process, the band Rollerskate Skinny came to my mind (though I got the band name wrong at first) and I found one and only one video of theirs on YouTube (but sadly none of Kid Silver’s).
The one and only MV of the one and only Rollerskate Skinny - "Speed to My Side".

Behold the young Ken Griffin.

I knew little about Rollerskate Skinny. And shamefully, I must admit that I only got to really know their music when I got their CDs at low prices on sale. Naturally I looked them up at Wiki’s and so I, finally, learnt that Ken Griffin had formed a new band called Favourite Sons.

Their songs sound like that of Kid Silver. But, alas, Mr. Griffin looks so much older now. The few new songs I heard were good, but they gave me an impression that of a weary middle-aged bloke rather obsessed with women (perhaps it’s rather the false impressions from the videos). And naively I wondered why he would leave Ireland for America for all these years (and turned into a rather ordinary looking middle-aged bloke). (((Always slightly sad to see people grow old.)))
FAVOURITE SONS "Tear the Room Apart". A good song.

So this was my occasional hopeless wandering behaviour in the Web.

And it ended up happily sometimes.

tell Laura I love her

Forget the fatty Adele, forget the ugly female Duffy, or whichever young lady who sounds like she is in her fifties. Here’s the beautiful Laura Marling.

Poorly informed as usual, I only got to know Laura Marling from the announcement of Mercury Music Prize nominees last week. And she simply stood out among the ten nominees.

She easily reminds people of the likes of Feist, Cat Power or KT Tunstall. But she’s only 18, wow! And she looks cool, like a very charming model, wow! And of course she composed her own music, wow! And she designed her own interesting Sunbox CD box set, wow! And, what, she even has a beauty mark on her face! Wow wow wow! How could it be true? She could only be an imagined character from a romance fiction. She’s too good, to the point that she’s almost disgusting, hah! She’s so bright that she just makes other stars look dim, and makes ordinary people like me feel like a hopeless idiot.

But her true roots lie in the good folk tradition. She’s the musical granddaughter of Joni Mitchell. Her voice is warm and sweet, at times with a country twist. Listening to her reminded me of many other good female vocals - female voices of the sixties (umm, which I really don’t know much) like Sandie Shaw,
Dolores O'Riordan without the exaggeration, and many more. Unlike the bunch of talented young ladies who sound sophisticatedly soulful but affected and way too old, She’s capable of sounding sophisticated, effortlessly natural, and still youthful.

All her MVs are beautiful (for she’s charming). And here on the TV show, she’s so overly talented that she’s put on a trial by the show host, who was like accusing her of writing too mature songs for her age.

Enfants terribles! All the old ghosts of precocious young talents came to my mind once again. Not long ago, I was just disturbed by another young talent called Sarah Jaffe. If I were not a fan of Jason Castro, I wouldn’t have learnt about this unsigned Texan musician, who has an influence on the former. She also reminded me of Feist and Cat Power. Her musical roots were also mostly folk. But she tends to sing with a slightly cracked voice and her music is darker than Laura’s and resembles more the earlier Cat Power and Jeff Buckley. And… she is less good-looking than Laura Marling.

And her video here is rather boring despite the good song.

So, where are the precocious boys now?

Monday 23 June 2008

Echo and the Bunnymen revisited

After listening to some depressing old CDs that I am about to discard, suddenly I became nostalgic and decided to listen to all the CDs of Echo and the Bunnymen that I have, and so the Bunnymen had become my music of the week.

Echo and the Bunnymen have been the good old eighties band to me. Their albums of the eighties are always on my favourite music shelf while their "Evergreen" CD of of 1997 is left on the general music shelf. Mmm, I haven't bought any of their newer albums. (Sorry, my dear Bunnymen!)

But listening to "Evergreen" again, it sounded really good and er… really evergreen. It has lost the edge of their younger days, but the more mellow songs with the more mellow voice of Ian McCulloch make you feel like you are enjoying a good cup of tea at the garden with your old friend on a sunny day (a really bad metaphor I know!) I guess I'll have to get their newer albums later on.

Still, my favorite album of the Bunnymen is “Porcupine” of 1983. Wow, it's already 25 years ago! Like all really good music, it still sounds new, at least newer than the bunch of mediocre pop rock bands of today.

One of my super favorite Bunnymen songs – "Back of Love"

Most regard the "Ocean Rain" album as their best. Sure it's brilliant and I love it. It's the most easy-listening among their older albums. But it's a bit too polished and sweet for me, despite the genius of "the Killing Moon".

At one time when I was quite young, the Bunnymen was my top favourite band. I loved them even more then the Smiths. I thought the four of the drums (remember the late Pete de Freitas), the bass, the guitar and the vocals were all brilliant. I was amazed by how they could blend so ingeniously to weave such incredible songs. They transported me to their atmospheric world of rebellion, elegance, gloom, and (yet) hope. That’s Art!

At the camp of the Smiths, only the vocals of Morrissey and the guitars of Johnny Marr shine. After so many listens, I could hardly remember their bass or their drums. But as I listened to more of their records, I was finally won over by the super-witty lyrics and one of a kind soulful singing of Moz Mozza Morrissey. Since then I listen to the Smiths much much more, for they are more listener-friendly.

But I would not agree that the Smiths are better than the Bunnymen. They are both excellent, but good in different way.

Last week, I have even created a Dailymotion account, just to watch the documentary film of "You Will Never Walk Alone" (1992), which was about music and the city of Liverpool, featuring many interviews with Ian McCulloch. And I love Liverpool too.

His Liverpudlian accent sounded quite weird to me, a far cry from his charismatic singing. That accent made him sound like an old bloke when he spoke! (In contrast, I always love to hear the interesting Scottish accent of Jim Reid. With his gentle and slightly magnetic voice, it’s like music to me, even though I cannot quite understand what he said!)

Watch the big lips of Big Mac:

Never Walk Alone 1/6
Uploaded by kimkallstrom

Sunday 22 June 2008




我為什麼手痕加了幾隻中文字呢﹖因為該網誌講American Idol 7 的Jason Castro (冒着被友人恥笑的危險而寫的幼稚情書) 。我發覺似乎不少中文薄客不大喜歡他,便想用網誌踩進中文的虎穴投他微薄的一票。真自大,像我這個揾鬼睇唔知搏咩隱蔽blog,名字叫存在與虛無,找隻烏蠅來攪攪震都難,又怎會因為幾粒字在中文搜尋結果中現形﹖

也罷,網誌裏有名人的名字還真管用,Jason Castro一出,國際社會訪客量暴升起碼一千巴仙,只因之前是近乎天零零地零零。終於有幾個傻瓜探頭進來,似乎都上錯船,他們要尋的人都只是在網誌裏客串的閒角,卻沒有人因尋主角而來。原來,從前以為神通廣大的搜尋器是神經的老點器,唓﹗

偶然無聊墮落去八掛香港的外語音樂討論區,調查本地人對JC等AI人的看法,似乎厭惡和不怎喜歡他的人佔多數,Brooke White 和2D則較受歡迎。What a shame! 這麼可愛的一個人也不懂欣賞。但來來去去都只是那幾條粉腸在幫會裏發牙痕,會員包括有望繼承維園阿伯的寶座惡棍,和以為跟了紅就能憑偶像貴而發紫的羊羣粉絲,他們噴的口水和吠的噪音重要嗎?惡棍尤其不懂得愛,他們所謂的愛使他們的世界變得更細小。這些討論區很無聊,領此一嘢,但願終生免疫。

不過不喜歡JC的人也不無道理,他壓根兒是個Anti-American Idol。回想起來,他的Top 4表演實在好玩。另外那三個一本正經的喊破喉嚨乞票,他卻偏偏選了唱懶洋洋的 “I Shot the Sheriff”扮Bob Marley,同塲加映 “Mr. Tambourine Man” 那不可能的忘詞 — 特別耳熟能詳的一句。輕易令評判抓破頭皮,教監製滴汗,玩謝了老套的AI,Jason好嘢﹗抽離一下那比賽的懶緊張氣氛去看,實在很comical。如果他是故意的,我可更欣賞他了。如果不,我懷疑那也可能是潛意識作怪的吧。多年後,人們會記得他的Top 4表演,但沒有人會記得另外那三個。


Look, cutie!

Jason Castro-I Just Want To Be Your Everything


不過作為一個腌尖的樂迷,連Radiodead 和Oldplay(Moz的笑語)之流我都懶理,如果我不知道他,有一天在唱片店裏聽了他的CD,我可能不會感到太大興趣。


let me be a fool for a while

就是喜歡Jason Castro.

Thank God American Idol season 7 is over!

It's the first time I've ever watched AI, since it has been showing on the ATV World channel (despite its 3 weeks’ time gap).

Since early on my favorites were Brooke White and Jason Castro. They were like the opposite sex versions of each other - unique voice, heartfelt singing, and good-looking. Carly Smithson and Micheal Johns were all right. Again, like Brooke and Jason, they were a pair – charismatic, great vocal skills, rock. But they sounded rather old-fashioned and overly mainstream. I don't care much if they were out later in the contest. As for the rest, they were mostly boring! Most were just about showing off their vocal range and big voice. I couldn’t care less.

I also quite liked the failed contestant Josiah Leming, who may be the most talented contestant in the whole show.

Before, I just kinda liked Jason, but no big deal. Guess what? I often watched AI while using the computer. I just couldn't be too devoted to watching it. But since Jason got voted off, I had watched many of his interviews, they always brought me smiles and I just loved him more. And only in recent weeks did I come to realize how gorgeous he had been.

He was particularly beautiful when he sang solo (was it because of the lighting and the make-up?). With such great looks and passionate singing, some of his performances were verging on revelations (Hallelujah, Over the Rainbow). It's timeless. I bet watching his performance videos in 50 years, people will still be amazed by his beauty. I was charmed by his beautiful clear blue eyes and his perfect profile. I like his cute (is it an appropriate word?) hair styles in dreadlocks and the way he dressed. Yet on the other hand in interviews he was funny, sweet, and genuine. I was inspired by his laid-back personality. Perhaps it's this combination of his radiant stage presence and his pleasant personality that amazed me so much.

Why do people have to emphasize that they love him for his singing rather than his looks just to avoid being mistaken as teenyboppers? It’s the whole package, stupid! If he looks like the other contestant David Hernandez (?), I doubt I would like him as much. But could someone looks like DH ever sing like Jason?

These few days I am particularly crazy. I spent lots of time searching for him on the Internet. I even downloaded his photos (and I have not even downloaded one photo of my idol Jude Law ever!). I replaced the lovely wallpaper of myself with my lovely friend with his picture on my laptop. How corny! Well, so many stupid guys were naïve enough to put wallpapers of seemingly naïve girl pop stars on their computer. Now it's my turn!

It's almost like I am in love. How horrible! I don't even bother about the Sichuan earthquake news these days. That is to say, I am more overwhelmed by Jason's beauty then the tragic national disaster.

(In fact, I haven't donated ten cents so far, and I probably won’t. Call me heartless. But I am poor money-wise. Let the rich people who have ripped us off pay their dues and feel good about themselves. Indeed I am pretty numb. After tragic events HK people had been through all these years, people just won't learn. Soon they will forget about the lessons in life they thought they've learnt. When the nightmare is over, real life creeps in and people just continue to live blindly. They will commemorate the 1st, the 5th and the 10the anniversary of the disaster, but it would only be reduced to some media events that have nothing to do with people’s life. There may be big changes in the life of victims and even the aid workers, but hardly any for the spectators. Just wait for the next tragedy to happen.)

But I am somewhat doubtful about Jason's musical taste. The music of his musical heroes sounded rather trite to me. I am doubtful if this banal AI machine, a far cry from my lovely musical taste, could churn out anything good. Kelly Clarkson is a very good singer, yet her music was just OK for me, and I won’t even bother to buy a cheap pirate CD of hers. And the rest are just simply forgettable. Could Jason make a really good album? Judging from his performances, yes. Judging from his musical heroes, not sure. But then there are good music coming out of not-so-great influence, and loads of mediocre music out of great music influence. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

Because of Jason's rendition, I had searched and heard versions of Hallelujah. People would argue which version they liked better. Weird, people could not love a lot. Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, Rufus Wainwright, and…Jason, I like them all.

Watching AI had probably ruined my health by greatly reducing the quality of my sleep in recent months. Overexcited, I usually could not sleep well the night after the late-at-night show.

I began watching AI due to my impossible curiosty. Soon I fell into the trap. Though I was glad to find the gem of Jason there. I vow that I would not watch AI again, just like I won't fall into the trap of watching this year's Olympic Games. What a waste of time! (It's like, every time when I happened to read an entertainment magazine, in the end I would throw it on the floor and grumble out "what a waste of time!")

Already I am afraid my love is short-lived. Will I still love you next summer?

Well, I am already content to have enjoyed the beautiful experience he brought me this season. Thanks thanks thanks thanks JC!

I can be laid-back too.